Friendly joking and teasing are normal at work. But have you ever thought that a comment about your looks might have gone too far? You're not alone. Many workers face subtle forms of discrimination based on how they look but find it hard to spot. Sometimes, what seems...
Common signs of pregnancy discrimination at work
Being pregnant while working comes with many challenges. Although we have progressed in many ways as a society in recent decades, it is natural if you still worry about telling your employer you are pregnant and what will happen if you do. Sadly, mothers can still...
Five signs of racial discrimination at work
Racial discrimination at work is illegal under federal and state law. You probably know this. However, racial discrimination takes many different forms, and it can sometimes be hard to detect. Some are obvious and blatant, such as someone calling you a racial slur or...
Proving age discrimination can be difficult
Age discrimination in the workplace is illegal under New Jersey and federal law, but it is still widespread. Workers can take legal action if they have been unlawfully discriminated against because of their age, but proving age discrimination in court is not easy. In...
Racial discrimination, applicable law and filing a complaint
Unlawful discrimination in the workplace is a serious situation that requires serious attention and treatment. As such, state and federal rules were established to establish certain protections for employees. Despite these established laws, discrimination...
Mistakes to avoid in your workplace discrimination case
Building a successful workplace discrimination case requires thoroughness and commitment to the legal process. You need to gather strong evidence that illustrates the behavior to which you’ve been subjected and the harm that’s been caused to you as a result. But even...
Speak up without fear: Protection against employer retaliation
When caught in situations of sexual harassment or discrimination, employees are in a vulnerable position, having a lot to lose. This applies to both victims and witnesses. Hence, it is understandable that people hesitate to report these misconducts for fear of...
How is sexual harassment a form of workplace discrimination?
New York is a progressive state where people from all walks of life should have the same opportunities as everyone else without experiencing any form of discrimination. Discrimination is treating another person differently and unfairly because of their protected...
What pre-employment requirements can be discriminatory?
Workplace discrimination can have a significant impact on employees, more so on candidates who are still undergoing the recruitment process. The law protects applicants from discriminatory hiring practices. However, these incidents can be subtle, initially appearing...
What does ‘disparate impact; mean in employment law?
When most people talk about illegal discrimination in the workplace, they talk about intentional conduct. Examples might include an employers who refuses to hire women, or a manager who uses racist epithets to berate their employees, But discrimination in the...